Abstract painting in style of modern minimalist - Vector Graphics

Abstract painting in style of modern minimalist | Stock Vector Graphics |ID 7114111

Abstract painting in the style of modern minimalist art with geometric elements. Design for cards, posters, social media and prints. Vector illustration

color image

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Similar imagesby keywords:
abstract painting style modern minimalist

Image type: Vector Graphics ID: 7114111

Available Image Formats and Sizes
size formatresolutionprice/select
SJPG560x800 px @ 72 DPI$0.95
MJPG1274x1820 px @ 300 DPI$2.45
LJPG1785x2550 px @ 300 DPI$3.45
XLJPG2520x3600 px @ 300 DPI$4.45
XXLJPG4000x5714 px @ 300 DPI$4.45
XXLeps 10Vector* @ 600 DPI$4.45
Type of License: Standard Extended more ◢
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* Vector graphics are scalable to any size without loss of resolution. You will need a vector editor like Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW to use the vector file.
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EPS version: 10 The EPS 10 files may contain the graphic effects compatible with Adobe Illustrator only. Other vector editors process such files incorrectly.

Release: N/A

Uploaded: 2021/02/02 - © Grommik

Views: 25 | Downloads: 0

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