Cartoon groovy pirate island with palm trees - Vector Graphics

Cartoon groovy pirate island with palm trees | Stock Vector Graphics |ID 7593488

Cartoon groovy pirate island with palm trees standing under the cloudy sky, surrounded by sand and sea. Isolated vector paradise land with tall and slender palm trees swaying in the tropical breeze

color image

Note: the preview image contains watermarks with the logo of Cliparto. The original image upon purchase does not contain this watermark.

Similar imagesby keywords:
cartoon groovy pirate island palm trees

Image type: Vector Graphics ID: 7593488

Available Image Formats and Sizes
size formatresolutionprice/select
SJPG800x679 px @ 72 DPI$0.95
MJPG1820x1545 px @ 300 DPI$2.45
LJPG2550x2165 px @ 300 DPI$3.45
XLJPG3600x3057 px @ 300 DPI$4.45
XXLJPG5944x5047 px @ 300 DPI$4.45
XXLepsVector* @ 600 DPI$4.45
Type of License: Standard Extended more ◢
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* Vector graphics are scalable to any size without loss of resolution. You will need a vector editor like Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW to use the vector file.
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Release: N/A

Uploaded: 2024/08/22 - © Buchan

Views: 27 | Downloads: 0

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